Erte Graphics

Erte Graphics
Издательство: Dover, 2012 г.
Жанр: Графика и др.
Ответственный редактор: Лопушков Афанасий Ерофеевич
Дизайн: Ненартович Пантелеймон Яковлевич
Корректор: Ашковский Павел Терентьевич
Страниц: 318
Формат: txt, fb2, pdf

Аннотация к книге "Erte Graphics"
This volume provides a fascinating sample of Erte's very best graphic work, offering every plate from his most popular collections: The Alphabet (1977); The Numerals (1968); The Aces (1974); The Precious Stones (1969); and The Seasons (1970). Each plate has been painstakingly reproduced from the autographed, limited-edition lithographs. A brief Preface offers bibliographic data.
Striking color work: "Seasons," "Alphabet," "Numerals," "Aces," and "Precious Stones."
50 plates, including 4 on covers. Читать книгу бесплатно Erte Graphics.

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    • Erte Graphics

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